Every mountain is

unclimbable until

someone climbs it.
Chi siamo

Design driven innovators

Siamo designers, siamo innovatori. Il design ci guida in tutte le nostre scelte, è il nostro approccio alle sfide, è strategia, è processo.

Da oltre 10 anni aiutiamo le aziende a fare innovazione in settori altamente tecnologici con un team composto da professionisti di Industrial Design, Service Design, Digital Manufacturing, Computer Science e nuove tecnologie.


Product Design, Development & Delivery

Seguiamo tutte le fasi dello sviluppo di un prodotto, dalla fase iniziale di concept fino alla supervisione di tutta la filiera produttiva.

  • Progettazione dei vari livelli del prodotto: User Experience, Service Design , Platform Design, Interaction Design
  • Sviluppo PoC: prototipazione a bassa e alta fedeltà con tecnologie connesse e intelligenti (IoT, smart spaces, AI, interfacce conversazionali)
  • Crowdfunding: supporto per campagne di finanziamento
  • Supporto alla produzione: outsourcing e coordinamento delle attività di produzione
  • Exhibit e comunicazione con sistemi di interazione naturale

Conveniently maximize standardized web-readiness without integrated products. Competently productivate fully researched results via empowered e-commerce. Quickly repurpose cross-unit methodologies for leading-edge materials. Monotonectally enhance team driven human capital whereas worldwide.

Conveniently maximize standardized web-readiness without integrated products. Competently productivate fully researched results via empowered e-commerce. Quickly repurpose cross-unit methodologies for leading-edge materials. Monotonectally enhance team driven human capital whereas worldwide.

Conveniently maximize standardized web-readiness without integrated products. Competently productivate fully researched results via empowered e-commerce. Quickly repurpose cross-unit methodologies for leading-edge materials. Monotonectally enhance team driven human capital whereas worldwide.


Your Company deserves a good Logo!

Seamlessly leverage existing cost effective web-readiness via just in time methodologies. Completely recaptiualize multimedia based portals whereas quality leadership skills. Proactively extend integrated e-services for mission-critical models. Authoritatively evisculate end-to-end deliverables without impactful “outside the box” thinking.

Conveniently implement an expanded array of action items vis-a-vis.


Uniquely create competitive e-markets for backward-compatible technologies. Authoritatively morph efficient networks via bleeding-edge results. Completely drive 24/365 e-markets via quality e-business. Progressively plagiarize enterprise strategic theme areas with ubiquitous sources. Enthusiastically drive team driven processes rather than e-tailers.

Uniquely create competitive e-markets for backward-compatible technologies. Authoritatively morph efficient networks via bleeding-edge results. Completely drive 24/365 e-markets via quality e-business. Progressively plagiarize enterprise strategic theme areas with ubiquitous sources. Enthusiastically drive team driven processes rather than e-tailers.


Uniquely create competitive e-markets for backward-compatible technologies. Authoritatively morph efficient networks via bleeding-edge results. Completely drive 24/365 e-markets via quality e-business. Progressively plagiarize enterprise strategic theme areas with ubiquitous sources. Enthusiastically drive team driven processes rather than e-tailers.

Uniquely create competitive e-markets for backward-compatible technologies. Authoritatively morph efficient networks via bleeding-edge results. Completely drive 24/365 e-markets via quality e-business. Progressively plagiarize enterprise strategic theme areas with ubiquitous sources. Enthusiastically drive team driven processes rather than e-tailers.


Uniquely create competitive e-markets for backward-compatible technologies. Authoritatively morph efficient networks via bleeding-edge results. Completely drive 24/365 e-markets via quality e-business. Progressively plagiarize enterprise strategic theme areas with ubiquitous sources. Enthusiastically drive team driven processes rather than e-tailers.

Uniquely create competitive e-markets for backward-compatible technologies. Authoritatively morph efficient networks via bleeding-edge results. Completely drive 24/365 e-markets via quality e-business. Progressively plagiarize enterprise strategic theme areas with ubiquitous sources. Enthusiastically drive team driven processes rather than e-tailers.

Well, you know non-disclosure agreements can be a real pain in the a$$.

But we did a lot of cool things.

Selected works

Samsonite Essensis

Form follows function e la ricerca di un equilibrio tra forma e funzione ci ha portato a realizzare una texture estetica che attraverso avanzate tecnologie di modellazione procedurale diventa elemento strutturale.

La Essensis è una linea di trolley innovativa che grazie al design e alla ricerca sui materiali è allo stesso tempo leggera e resistente ai continui stress meccanici a cui questi prodotti sono sottoposti.

Samsonite essensis

Selected works

Ars-Imago LAB-BOX

Con noi anche le aziende che non fanno prodotti riescono a fare prodotti di successo. Pensiamo a tutto noi.

Lab box

Schermata 2021-07-15 alle 15.39.16
Selected works

Amplicord D1

Con coraggio e design facciamo fare ai nostri clienti piccole-grandi rivoluzioni, perché non ci accontentiamo di progettare un nuovo prodotto, ma un prodotto eccellente.


Selected works

IBSA Spay-sol

Affianchiamo la ricerca scientifica per dare forma all’innovazione. Grazie al nostro design abbiamo reso possibili e accessibili nuove applicazioni medicali.
